IT DOES NOT MATTER WHO YOU ARE OR WHERE YOU ARE FROM. Our members are from all walks of life... From Students in Japan... to Lawyers in the United States... to Grandparents in New Zealand... folk who were hit hard by the recession, looking for ways to recover financially...  and list the list goes on... and on.
And don't worry, you don't need to be 'special' either...
...All you need is the drive to succeed and have the willingness to use our PROVEN multi-million dollar online cash strategies, unique tools andsupport, put them into practice and become successful with them.
In other words, all you have to do is --- Take Action!
(of course, you'll need an internet connection, computer and a few hours spare too )
But why IMA?
Well, as I'm sure you know there are tons of ways to generate revenue online, and there many different business models too. Some cost money to start, most don't... some run on auto-pilot with almost no work needed, others take up a little more time... and of course some are easier to learn and implement than others as well!
...but that's the beauty with IMA - we have just about EVERY strategy, technique and money making formula out there covered in our amazing online training facility, so you can choose what you want to do and feel comfortable with - and that alone will give you the best chance at making money online.

Want To See Proof About How Much Our Strategies Can Make?
Ok, just before we go into more detail about what the 'IMA' members area contains and how this whole thing works, we want to quickly show you some proof about what is possible with internet marketing, once you have the knowledge that we do.
For example, here are some screenshots from a selection of our own accounts... and if you look closely, all of them are for the same time periods...

To spell it out, from just these 6 accounts we are making up to $45,000 each week. The crazy thing is that we have many many more accounts... and the even crazier thing is that these aren't even the big numbers!
For example, we have had 14 day periods where we made as much as $447,911.30 as you can see here:

..and one of our biggest paydays EVER was when we did $2,512,089 in sales in just 36 hours!

Currently we have close to 200 high quality training videos and at least 50 step by step training manuals...  with everything sectioned out into different topics and areas of internet marketing so you can hand pick the content you need to start making money in the shortest time possible...
We cover literally everything, such as:
Paid AdvertisingHow to make money with Google Adwords and other advertising platforms.
SEOHow to make money by getting your website to the top of Google's search results.
Email MarketingHow to make money building up a targeted list of subscribers and selling them relevant products.
Affiliate MarketingHow to make money selling other people's products.
Article MarketingHow to make money writing and distributing articles.
Product CreationHow to make money creating and selling your own information product.
Social MediaHow to make money with Facebook and other high traffic networking sites.
EcommerceHow to make money with an online storefront selling physical products that others will ship for you.
Local MarketingHow to make money selling your online knowledge to offline businesses.
...and that's just a start. It's also worth mentioning that even though many training areas are compiled into a single piece of media such as a 30 minute video tutorial or 40 page manual, we also have areas of internet marketing that are so powerful and have the potential to make you so much money, that we have created HUGE full-blown courses dedicated just to them.
Here are three examples of what I mean...

"For The First Time Ever, You Can Get Instant Access To The Exact Keyword Research, Money Making Tool, That's Responsible For Direct Earnings Of Exactly $565,416,94Last Year Alone... See Proof Below!"

"Hypie? Yes. Does it work? YES! ... And I can guarantee you've 
never seen OR heard about half of the stuff this software can 
do for YOU."
$565,416,94 Proof 

Just click

I'm not showing you this because I want to brag, or that I'm inferring you will make money, but I did want you to know what was possible for me using this tool.
Now, you may have been reading lately about the new FTC rules and regulations for online businesses. The law requires anyone stating or showing income results, like you see above and below, to use this disclaimer, even though they are true and documented with proof: These results are not typical, and your income or results, if any, will vary. We obviously do not guarantee or imply that by using our software you will get rich or make any money at all.
Note: This tool was made to make you money and grow your business to levels you never thought were possible. So, I'll skip the "product feature" mumbo jumbo and tell you in simple terms what this will do for you. You'll...
Dominate Niche Marketing: Know exactly what the "money keywords" are. The keywords that BUYERS are searching for! Use these keywords to increase your sales. Nothing else will show you these.
Dominate Google Adwords: Instantly... Yes, and I said instantly, AND with very little money by seeing who is already running a profitable Adwords campaign AND then "borrow" their entire Adwords marketing strategy shown by the software for your own profitable campaign!
If you don't understand Google Adwords, it doesn't matter. The software isFool Proof. It had to be if I was going to use it!
Dominate The Search Engines: Increase the amount of traffic to your site that you're getting now, WITHOUT paying a dime.
And there are literally HUNDREDS of completely different ways this new tool will allow you to do those things... Ways that I 100% guarantee you have never heard of and didn't think were even possible. It WILL blow your mind, so read below as I show you specifics.